S l a i d b u r n V i l l a g e H a l l
The Green, Slaidburn, Lancashire, BB7 3ES Tel: (01200) 446 555
As part of our commitment to operating in the most environmentally benign way as possible the building features:
Insulation far greater than required by legislation
Air Source Heat Pump, that can extract heat from the air even when the outside temperature is as low as minus 15° C
Low energy lighting is used (including LED where appropriate)
Sustainable tourism activities are promoted in our tourism information area in the hall and on the Slaidburn village area of the web site
To help preserve and increase our local Bat population three bat boxes each sufficient to hold over 60 bats have been incorporated into the building.
Discretely fitted roof mounted solar panels put in place in January 2016
We encourage all who hire and visit the hall to consider the environment during their activities and to follow the Forest of Bowland Sustainable Tourism Visitor Charter.
Here at Slaidburn Village Hall we are committed to providing a good quality service whilst minimising the environmental impact of our activities.
Our aim is to be as environmentally responsible as we can be, to take into consideration the environmental and social impacts of our business on the environment. Some of the main steps we have taken to reduce our impact are:
Installed low energy lighting throughout the building and utilise sensors
Fitted good insulation
Introduced renewable energy in the form of an air to water heat pump
Installed double glazing
Re-cycle whenever possible
Actively involved and support Forest of Bowland AONB, to recognise that our business is part of a protected and valuable landscape
Supportive of local community events
Provide wildlife refuges in form of bat boxes and encourage car free- activities through the provision of a wide range of leaflets
Work closely with the villager magazine to provide information of local attractions and events
Have a look at our Visitor Charter to see how you can get involved!