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S l a i d b u r n V i l l a g e H a l l
The Green, Slaidburn, Lancashire, BB7 3ES Tel: (01200) 446 555
Save the document
Print it out, fill in by hand, include your cheque and send to Jackie Howard at:
Slaidburn Village Hall
The Green
Lancashire BB7 3ES
Terms and Conditions
Slaidburn Village Hall is a high spec building and so the full conditions of hire are quite comprehensive and you are advised to read them carefully.
However they can be summarised as follows:
The hirer must:
Ensure the user obeys the law
Respect the neighbours
Take responsibility for the hall and its contents
Abide by the times and other details on the booking form
Ask if anything is not clear
Be aware that the Committee is only responsible for accidents to persons caused by its own negligence
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